Celebrating the centenary of the publication of the work "The Unknown Islands", by Raúl Brandão, this call for projects aims to encourage contemporary artistic reflection on the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, which, although currently major tourist attractions, still have aspects that are little explored or unknown. The proposal is to provoke a critical reflection on the relationship between the concepts of "island" and "unknown", encouraging artists from both archipelagos to explore and materialize these ideas in a creative and innovative way, through works of art that intersect visions, ideas and perspectives.
How can contemporary art contribute to revealing and highlighting certain still obtuse aspects of these ultra-peripheral archipelagos? How do Azorean artists see Madeira Island and how do Madeiran artists look at the island space of the Azores? These questions emerge as a starting point for this call, challenging artists to explore, through art, dimensions that are still little known or difficult to perceive of their own archipelagos and neighboring islands.
This call for projects is an invitation to produce works that reveal new dimensions of both islands, while promoting an artistic exchange between Azorean and Madeiran artists, stimulating contemporary production and expanding perceptions about the archipelagos.
Opening date: January 31st
Deadline for submission of applications: February 28th
This invitation is open to all individual artists from the Azores and Madeira, who work with installation, film/video, photography, multimedia, sound and digital art and/or interactivity, to submit proposals.
Reveal unknown aspects of the Azores and Madeira archipelagos, proposing new artistic readings of the island reality.
Receive artistic proposals that address the themes of island, unknown and periphery, exploring new perspectives and narratives.
Stimulate contemporary artistic creation and artistic research in the areas of installation, photography, video/film, multimedia, sound, digital art and interactivity.
Promote artistic exchange between Azorean and Madeiran artists, contributing to closer cultural and artistic ties between the two archipelagos.
Carrying out an artistic residency: The selected artists will carry out a residency in the archipelago where they are not residents or natives, in order to develop their projects.
Artistic Creation Grant and Residencies Support
The selected artists will receive logistical, financial and technical support during the one-week residency period, totaling R$1,550, distributed as follows:
Reception Expenses: Amount of €1,050 for travel, insurance, transportation and accommodation;
Per Diem and Creation Fund: Amount of R$500 for food and support for the production of works;
APCA will be responsible for the organization, providing the technical and logistical support necessary to carry out the selected artistic proposals.
Selected proposals: Six proposals will be chosen in total: three projects by Azorean artists and three by Madeiran artists.
Jury: The selection will be carried out by an international jury composed of four members with roots in the North Atlantic islands, who will evaluate the proposals according to the established criteria.
Artistic Residence: After selection, the chosen artists will undertake an artistic residency in the archipelago where they are not from, in order to develop their projects.
Collective exhibition: The works produced during the residency will be presented, for the first time, in a collective exhibition at the Baltazar Dias Municipal Theater in September and October 2025.
The selection process will be conducted by an international jury to be announced shortly.
Submission of proposals: January 31st to February 28th
Announcement of results: May 2, 2025
Artistic residencies: June 2025
Group exhibition: September 11 to October 5, 2025
Registrations must be made by sending the registration form and the license to use images and content of the works to the following email address duly completed:
The application form is available for download here.
The license for use of images and content of the works is available for download here.
Present proof of residence in one of the autonomous regions of the Azores or Madeira.
The form and license must be attached with material or any other element considered essential for the proper understanding and analysis of the proposal.
Check here the rules and general conditions of the open call.
Frequently Asked Quentions - FAQs - here.